Categories & Fees   Corporate Membership

 A n n u a l   R a t e s

  Company Small Company Institution
  Industry & Trade Industry & Trade, max. 20 staff members Universities, Research Institutes, NGOs, GOs, NPOs
Includes the following services: € 600 € 250 € 300
Acknowledgement as Corporate Member at ISES conference & events

Listing in ISES Corporate Membership Directory

International Experts Network (IEN)

Use of the ISES Corporate Membership Logo

Hyperlinked company logo on the ISES website (Company ISES Memberships only)

Sponsorship Opportunities for events & projects and advertisting opportunities on ISES website, events and publications

Name and Logo on Corporate Member Posters displayed at conference & events ISES participates in

Reduced registration at ISES events and selected ISES supported events for your staff & reduced rates on exhibition spaces (where available)

Access to ISES Members Directory

Available to All Staff


ISES Newsletter - Plus publication of your latest news in the Members News Section of the Newsletter

Discounted prices in ISES Online Shop

ISES Notices

Free participation in ISES Webinars and Member's only access to all webinar presentations and recordings, webinar certificates of participation (upon request)
(more information)

Available to Selected Staff

One personal subscription to Solar Energy Journal (18 print issues/year) for the membership contact person.

+ € 55

Eligible to vote & run for ISES Board of Directors

Eligible to join ISES Divisions & Working Groups
Special Term Memberships  includes 10% discount on annual fee over the 5 years




Silver Corporate Membership

(5 years)

€ 2,700 € 1,125 € 1,350